A week and a half ago I was biking down U street, trying to find Vinoteca, when out of the blue (literally, the sky was blue) came a downpour that left me soaked to the skin before I could get off the street and under the awning of a CVS. Once it cleared I was about ready to try and blame SOMEone for dragging me out into the elements, when I happened to glance eastward, the direction the storm had moved on to. My camera phone hardly does it justice, but there was

the biggest and brightest double (triple?) rainbow I have ever seen, stretching across the sky. It was the kind of phenomenon that made strangers talk to each other and brought stylists out of their salons. I walked out into the middle of the street to take that first shot, but its ok, because the traffic had stopped to get a look at this thing as well.
I'll leave it to the good people at tickle my wiki to post about the physics of how rainbows work.
And then this past week, I was biking home across the Key Lime bridge, focusing on getting enough oxygen out of air so humid you had to drink it, when i glanced to my left to catch a glimpse of this

god moment in the sky. I kind of wish I'd waited a few seconds longer, taken more pictures, or better yet, switched to video, because that little speck by the right-most lamp post was an airliner on approach, and as it passed in front of the light, it cast this awesome shadow in the air.
Cool stuff.
I just wish it wasn't so damn hot all the time...
Why can't I write about snowstorms instead?
Nice writing, Stef! And I love the rainbow.
Hahaha.... I read it as "under the awning of an SUV," which makes for a confusing, if humorous, mental image.
P.S. your photos are AWES.
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